Special Products For Tinnitus and Hyperacusis Sufferers

If you are one of the tens of millions of people who suffer with tinnitus (ringing or other noises in the ear,) Hyperacusis (perception that common sounds are too loud,) or related malady, you already know how debilitating such conditions can be. The bad news, as you probably also know, is that there is no approved medical cure for tinnitus, even though there are plenty of "snake oil" salesmen out there ready to take your money for herbal or laser tinnitus "cures." We have done the research and none of the products currently on the market appear to be effective in curing tinnitus. Tinnitus seems to be a permanent condition, but tinnitus can be managed in ways that let sufferers live quite a normal life. One promising theraputic approach to tinnitus management is called "Tinnitus Retraining Therapy" (TRT). In TRT, which seems to be quite well developed and built on solid neuroscience, the tinnitus sufferer is trained (or trains oneself) not to react in a negative manner to their own tinnitus sounds. Although this may sound a little too voodoo to some, it is the only approach with any support and we would encourage you to check it out for yourself. Here is a link for more information: www.tinnitus.org Please note that we offer two "wearable broad spectrum noise generators" that can be used in your TRT program. These are our SnoreMasker Pro and Sleep-Eze products available below. In addition, we also offer a wide range of "Sound enrichment products," also called white noise machines, that can be very useful in TRT as well as simply helping you sleep with your existing tinnitus sounds, whether you choose to pursue TRT or not. If you do give TRT a try, or if you already have experience with this approach, please drop us a note to tell us how it has worked for you (or not...) so that we can share your knowledge of this potentially excellent therapy with our other visitors. Tinnitus can be devastating, and we want to do anything we can to help. Please send your comments to
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