Speech Enhancement

Ear plugs and ear muffs, the standard hearing protection devices (HPDs) in use today, offer excellent protection for hearing, but the protection usually comes at a price: the HPD wearer cannot hear or understand the voices of co-workers. All too often the solution of choice is to remove the HPD. That method exposes the HPD wearer to immediate and long-term hearing damage. The modern solution to this problem exists in the form of electronic earplugs and ear muffs. In-ear hunting hearing aids are hearing protectors with built-in amplifiers made for shooters traditionally, but they also serve the industrial and construction worker quite well. These devices work like a regular hearing aid, but with the addition of two features: one, in-ear hunting hearing aids have a tip that is designed to block ambient sound from entering the ear canal, and two, these devices have an amplifier that turns off automatically when they hear a dangerously loud sound.
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