NoNoise Water Sports Model 162 Silicone Free Thermoplastic Reusable Ear Plugs with Precise Noise Filtration (SNR 20)

This item has been discontinued. Don't panic! Go back to view all Ear Plugs for Swimming. NoNoise Water Sports Ear Plugs are ideal for a wide variety of water sports and swimming activities. They feature a triple-flange seal and hypoallergenic silicone free thermoplastic material for a comfortable fit that won't give out during splashing, jet skiing, or surface swimming. Keeping water out of the ear canals is critical for preventing ear infections and swimmer's ear. With NoNoise's patented ceramic filter technology, these ear plugs won't muffle sound or prevent you from hearing conversation, kids calling, or safety noises, but they will still take the edge off motor noise and other mellow-harshing background sounds. NoNoise Water Sports Ear Plugs are recommended for both swimming and surfing. These ear plugs provide protection from cold water, spray, and cold wind required for preventing surfer's ear -- along with the situational awareness surfers need to stay safe out there. Not recommended for diving or other underwater swimming or water sports.
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