Flyer: Shooting and Hunting Hearing Protection (print ready)

Shooting & Hunting Hearing Protection
A Free Printable Flyer for Public Use

Brought to you by Ear Plug Superstore, the world's largest hearing protection superstore.

Hearing protection is absolutely essential for hunters and shooters. Whether you're in the field or at the range, defending your ears against hazardous gunshot sounds should always be a safety priority. When it comes to protection from blast noises, a world of options are available: foam ear plugs, reusable ear plugs for shooting, passive (non-electronic) ear muffs, electronic shooter's ear muffs, and electronic ear plugs, to name a few. Some solutions cost less than a dollar, while others can cost several hundred. The more expensive electronic ear muffs and electronic ear plugs are the best choices for shooters and hunters, with features such as smart blast protection and amplifcation of voices and game sound. But acquiring good shooting hearing protection does not have to break the bank. Just a humble pair of foam ear plugs with a high NRR (30 or more) will dramatically reduce the very real danger of noise-induced hearing loss. Now, with this free educational flyer, you can help get the word out about how important shooting hearing protection is, too. The Shooting & Hunting Hearing Protection flyer is available in two downloadable, printable formats. Both are large PDF files designed especially for printing on your home printer and handing out to your friends, your hunting buddies, other shooters at the range, etc. One version is in full color, and the other is optimized to print in black and white.

As the copyright holder of these materials, we hereby offer the non-exclusive right to use this flyer image for any non-commercial application at no charge to you. Please do not sell it or edit it. Otherwise, you may use it as you wish.

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Good Karma

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Thank you for your assistance in helping us get the word out about how important shooting hearing protection is. We appreciate it.
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