Flyer: Ear Muffs for Children and Babies (print ready)

Ear Muffs for Children & Babies
A Free Printable Flyer for Public Use

Brought to you by Ear Plug Superstore, the world's largest hearing protection superstore.

Not only can loud noises be upsetting to babies and young children, but those noises can also begin causing permanent hearing damage. Over the years, we have come to understand deeply just how important baby hearing protection is. We've learned from our own experiences and from reading your countless letters about how baby ear muffs have improved not just your child or grandchild's safety, but how those same ear muffs have improved the lives of new parents and whole families, too! Baby ear muffs enable folks to enjoy live music, NASCAR races, the 4th of July fireworks (and so much more) together -- safely -- as a family. We also offer an educational flyer about ear muffs for babies and children in two downloadable, printable formats. Both are large PDF files designed especially for printing on your home printer and handing out to your friends, your PTA group, etc. One version is in full color, and the other is optimized to print in black and white.

As the copyright holder of these materials, we hereby offer the non-exclusive right to use this flyer image for any non-commercial application at no charge to you. Please do not sell it or edit it. Otherwise, you may use it as you wish.

Download Links:

Good Karma

If you have a website, please consider adding a link to this page, so your visitors can also obtain the flyer if they wish! (Or just share this page on Facebook.) And if you feel it is relevant to your visitors, please link to our store.

Thank you for your assistance in helping us get the word out about protecting the hearing of children. We appreciate it.
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