Cirrus ClearEars Water Absorbing Ear Plugs (5 Pairs in Water Resistant Case)
Item Code: cciclearears5pk0-000
ClearEars Water Absorbing Ear Plugs
Remove Water Trapped in Ears After Swimming or Bathing
Remove Water Trapped in Ears After Swimming or Bathing
Water trapped in the ears after swimming or bathing can be very uncomfortable and can lead to infection and inflamation, commonly called Swimmer's Ear. The revolutionary, patent pending, product, ClearEars, is a soft, comfortable earplug containing an FDA approved polymer that safely and effectively draws water from the ears.
- Works fast: usually removes water in just 5-10 minutes.
- Safe for children and adults.
- Easier and faster than ear drops that must rely on evaporation to remove water from the ear.
- Earth friendly: ClearEars can be reused to help your house plants retain water! See package for details.
- Alcohol free.