Acu-Life AfterSwim Water Removal Ear Sponges (Pack of 4 Sponges)

This item has been discontinued.
See all our other Ear Care products here. Acu-Life AfterSwim Water Removal Ear Sponges are one of those products you wonder why it took so long to develop! Each AfterSwim sponge is capable of removing up to 5 times as much water as your ear canal can hold! ...far more than you will ever need to remove under normal circumstances. AfterSwim is a hydrophilic (water loving) material that instantly attracts any water it touches, absorbing the water for easy removal from the ear. To use AfterSwim, simply insert the soft pointy end into the ear until it touches the trapped water. The instant it touches the water, AfterSwim will break the surface tension and absorb all the water present. Best of all, AfterSwim contains no alcohol, glycerin or other substances that can remain in the ear when using other water removal products. Each pack contains 4 disposable AfterSwim sponges. Each will normally be adequate to clear both ears of water one time. Safe for children and adults.
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